
This blog has been created by Christina Chan-Meetoo for students in Communication Studies at the University of Mauritius to enable sharing of ideas, discussion and comments on issues primarily related but not limited to the field of study.

Posting of entries is restricted to UoM Communication students (both current and former students) and to the administrator.

However, all visitors can contribute to discussions via the comments on posts. All comments are moderated before publication.

The feed for this blog is: http://www.comstudies.wordpress.com/feed/

For any queries, please contact the administrator of the weblog:
chanssc@uom.ac.mu or christina@noulakaz.net

Since end April 2008, an additional blog has been created by Avinash and Christina Meetoo for the newly created Mediacom Studio at the following URL:


Christina Chan-Meetoo
Senior Lecturer in Media & Communication Studies
Faculty of Social Studies & Humanities
University of Mauritius
Blog: http://christinameetoo.wordpress.com


About the degree in Communication

The UoM-Communication Studies website is primarily targeted to students enrolled in the Dip/BSc(Hons) Communication Studies programme of the University of Mauritius.

This 4-year part-time degree course, which offers two specialisations (one in Journalism, the other in Business Communication) aims at broadening and deepening knowledge and appreciation of the economic, social and cultural importance of communication. It also provides practical knowledge and some hands-on experience in media or media-related industries, both from local and international perspectives.

Students may complete only the first two years of the programme in order to earn the diploma.They may also choose to take more years to complete the degree programme up to a maximum of seven years. This is especially useful for people who work and need more time to complete a university degree.

In the first year, all students follow the same modules and are exposed to the basics in media and communication, written and oral communication skills, IT, PR, Journalism and ethics in the media and communication context.

As from the second year, all students follow a number of common modules devoted to theoretical and critical approaches, DTP, organisational communication, development communication. Students specialising in Business Communication study integrated communication strategies and marketing communication whereas those in the Journalism stream study newswriting, broadcast and digital journalism. Additionally, all students follow an elective of their choice (such as graphic design or audiovisual production, etc.) and they have to complete a 4-week placement.

In the third year, students are prepared to embark on research assignments in view of their final year dissertation including an initiation to both quantitative and qualitative techniques. They study the history of media in Mauritius and intercultural aspects of communication. Students specialising in Business Communication study branding and advertising and the legal aspects of the trade whereas those in the Journalism stream study to acquire advanced skill sin reporting and are also exposed to media law. All students have to choose one elective on either film studies or contemporary issues.

A 6-week placement is completed between Year 3 and Year 4. Those who are alre4ady employed in the field of specialisation (Business Communication or Journalism) can choose to do a work report instead of the 6-week placement though they have to follow an additional elective to compensate.

In their fourth and final year, all students follow two core modules: one devoted to new media, the other to political communication. And, they have to complete a dissertation on a topic related to the field under the supervision of an academic. They may choose to do a mini-project and an additional elective instead of the dissertation.

Check the full course structure on the UOM website at:

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Really imPressive.. its the first time am on the blog and i’ve been talking about this with Mrs Meetoo for some time on her blog..

    to have a place where students argue.. not only with class members but also
    people outside the class

    Good iniative.. and all the best!!


  2. Hello there,
    I like this blog and i have so many messages to post to it.but the prob is that since ze user name n password were changed, am left out.i ve sent mails to Mme Meetoo but they are left unanswered.
    will i have to wait till la rentrée to meet Mme Meetoo n ve ze password along wiz the user name???
    Can anyone help me please?My e add is yaveen@rediffmail.com.
    am yaveen of comms yr1, id 0615146.



  3. Hi

    this blog is very interesting and useful as it enables you to share your ideas and make comments about the ideas of others. I have many friends who have their own blogs, however, till now i haven’t mine, but it will be in the near future.

    As we are students in the field of communication, it is important to communicate with others. It will be appreciated if everyone makes good use of this blog, that is by abiding to the conditions applied.

    Very good thing!! Cheers.


  4. Hi

    Eummmm seems that I’m quite old-fashioned now… it’s been what 2 years since I’ve graduated? yet so many things seemed to have changed LOL a blog… that’s one very gd idea Mrs Chan-Meetoo has had. Let just hope that as communicators we’ll know what we post on this site and our limits. But hey this shdn’t be a prob, shd it? We’ve all learned that the first thing to being good communicators is to listen and respect the others, will be amazed if no one sticks to the rules.

    Cheers to u Mrs Meetoo, good job as usual!

    All the best to you guys still at uni… but try make the most of it, even if u’re working…


  5. Really interesting and useful blog ..enplus it is up to date will be nice if all lecturers or atleast coordinators do so ..its real easy to use,to get rite info not rumors


  6. It would be interesting to meet the students whose doing their 2nd, 3rd or last year… would like to know you guys… We r like aliens in here…

    Thanks for responding.

    Cheers, Gina_G – Yr1 Student.


  7. Hey there,

    You’re running a really good blog Professor Chan-Meetoo. It’s really close to content of my website called “The Glaring Fact” (http://theglaringfact.green-atlas.com).

    As of now, this blog covers the following subjects:

    1. Audience Studies
    2. Canadian Television
    3. Popular Narrative
    4. Development of Science
    5. Communications Theories

    I’m going to link back to you on my blog to check frequently for new posts :D. Would you be able to give me a reciprocal link? Thanks Professor!

    p.s. I’m a fourth year media studies student at york university in Toronto Canada!


  8. Pingback: UOM admissions are open « UoM-Communication Studies

  9. Hi all,
    I was quite enthusiastic when coming across this blog! Was scrolling through the internet to find relevant websites, which would help me to choose between a specialization in Journalism or Business Communication…
    Can you help me?
    And I am to start in Aug. Actually I have relevant experience (4 years) in local medias, and as a chief editor, specialized in aviation . My aim is to work as a communications manager, or a passenger entertainments manager for an airline.
    Thank you


  10. Hi, I find that your blog is superb. In fact I was searching for news on Mauritian football for one of my projects and I landed on this site. So, I found one of your articles, dated some years ago, very interesting. That’s why I will like to meet with the students of communication studies to help me know what’s done for youth in sports in general, not only football. If you could get i touch with me on my mail before Tuesday next week, It’ll be great.

    Best regards,


  11. Sorry to disturb you once more, but I’m finding it difficult to contact Yaveen Bholah. How can I get in touch with him, soon?
    Because I can’t use something somebody else wrote in my project without the approval of that person. And I also want to get the in-depth point of view of the writer, on UoM sports.

    Kind regards,


  12. Hi,

    I would like to know the conditions for a Pakistani who is interested to come and study Communication Studies at the University of Mauritius.


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